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The current murky situation in Europe portends an increase in cyber threats. Some specialized agencies have published recommendations to protect companies against these risks.

So what should you do to protect your business?

Micropro offers you some recommendations that should allow you to go around all the sensitive points of your network.

Follow each of the steps indicated, noting the condition observed.

So get started ASAP.

- Review and update incident response plans.

- Strengthen security solutions and services.

- Leverage external sources of threat information.

- Assess Internet and network connectivity risks.

- Study the risks associated with business and infrastructure links with countries in conflict.

- Escalate security in Microsoft 365.

- Test backup and restore processes.

- Prepare IT and security personnel for crisis management.

- Assess the weaknesses of the network.


It is important for every business to review the risks it is exposed to and know where its weaknesses lie.

Micropro can assist you with each of the points mentioned and give you advice on how to remedy the various faults.